Getting Organized: Ribbon Box
Published July 15, 2012
I don’t know what it is about this time of year but when the kids go back to school the organizing bug hits. I feel this need to organize the house, the kids, the dogs and everything around the house in order to feel ready for the school year and the fall weather ahead. September is a great time to get to those little projects that have been put off for months. It’s best to start with the small projects first and get them out of the way and then tackle the larger ones later when you can spare a whole day. I’ve always believed that the premise behind getting organized is the way it will “de-stress” our lives on a day-to-day basis. Cleaning up the kitchen drawer is a start…and we all have one. The drawer that everyone is the household uses for scissors, tape, pushpins, string, etc. etc. After awhile the drawer becomes the garbage pit and undoubtedly frustrates us every time we venture to open it.
Over the years, I have collected a file of ideas that always provides some great solutions to typical day-to-day organizing dilemmas. Today I will share some of these with you.
The Ribbon Box
I love this one. This box is easy to assemble and will keep all of those spools of ribbon organized for future wrapping projects. A simple shoe box will suffice however the Dollar Stores sell small, painted boxes that are perfect for this type of project. To get started, punch a whole on each side of the small end of the box and place a wooden dowel inside that fits from end to end. Secure the small wooden dowel with push pins on the outside of the box. Purchase a grommet kit at your local craft or department store and follow the instructions for the grommet kit on installing the grommets and holes on the long side of the box. Slide your spools of ribbon along the wooden dowel and insert the cut end of the ribbon through the grommet on the inside of the box. The cut ends of the ribbon should stick through the box and simply place the lid on top to finish off.
Bills, Bills, Bills…
If you don’t have a drawer to place all those pesky bills that you choose to ignore for a while, here’s a storage solution. Unused paint cans (available at paint stores) are perfect for this task. Find a shelf that is easily accessible and line up the 1 gallon, silver paint cans along this ledge. To secure, use a small amount of floral putty. Simply roll a small ball of putty in between your palms and place on the shelf where you would like the paint can to go. Carefully push the paint can down on the putty to secure it. Identify each can by placing a small label below the container. Labelers are great for this. Fill each can with bills, receipts, banking invoices and whatever else you collect over the month. At the end of each month, empty the can and place in a storage box that is large enough to collect the 12 months worth of paperwork.
The key to organization
How many sets of keys do you have? Did you know a typical household has 12 sets of keys? With all the hectic schedules on a daily basis, keys can go missing very easily. In order to keep track of all these sets of keys building a “key board” is a great idea. You many see these boards on store shelves from time to time but they are also easy to make on your own. Simply purchase a small, wood-based corkboard that has a nice frame around it. Hardware stores sell various coloured, plastic covered hooks that have screws on the ends. Measure out how many screws you require and evenly space them on the board. Screw each one into the board (not too far as to go through the other end) and then hang the board on an inside cupboard that has enough room for the keys to clear when the door is closed. In this way, the keyboard is hidden from others and only you know its whereabouts.