Easy Entertaining Ideas

Published July 19, 2012

Here are some quick and fun ideas to help you be prepared for the beach and your next summer dinner party.

Pocket Organizers

This is a great way to keep track of your beach items. Your favorite beach blanket will not only be comfortable but practical as well. Simply purchase some remnant fabric from your local fabric supplier that coordinates with your beach blanket. Cut 2 large 15 – inch squares of this fabric and then cut each square into two triangles. Fold the edges over by ½ inch and press with an iron. The long edge must now be folded over another ½ inch and sewn across the hemline. Attach the triangle to each corner of the blanket by sewing them by hand or with your sewing machine with the large side of the triangle facing toward the center of the blanket. When you arrive at the beach simply fill the corners with your sunscreen, magazines and other beach essentials.

Handy Tote

Carry your beach items in an easy towel carry bag. Using a hand towel from home or an inexpensive one purchased at your local department store you can easily and quickly make a chic beach bag in just minutes. Be sure to wash the towel ahead of time in case of any possible shrinkage.  Fold your hand towel in half and stitch up each side. Turn the towel inside out. Using a pair of scissors, carefully poke a hold through each side of the top of the bag. Attach a thick rope by threading one end into each hole and knotting the ends of the rope to secure it to the bag. When the bag becomes soiled simply toss it into the washing machine to clean.

Husking Corn

We all love our local, sweet corn at this time of year. However when it comes time to husk the ears my family tends to disburse quite quickly. For easier husking simply clean the corn with the husks on and place in the microwave for 30 seconds or so. This will soften the husks and they should peel right off.