Floral Votives: Lavender
Published November 06, 2012

Use lavender from your garden for this idea.
Floral Votives
Now that the warm weather is upon us it’s a great time to head outdoors and spend some time entertaining. If you are planning a small dinner party anytime soon you may want to try this quick centerpiece idea.
Lavender may be found in many gardens at the moment and in most floral suppliers. The wonderful thing about lavender is not only is it beautiful in its fresh state placed in a vase of water but, it can also be dried and used as potpourri or in a sachet bag for your laundry. This multipurpose flower has many uses for the home.
Use it as a garnish on a dessert plate or tuck a sprig inside a napkin at dinnertime. If you dry the petals you can place them in a pretty linen bag and tie off with a ribbon as a hostess gift for the recipient’s clothing drawers.
This idea is a simple floral votive that can be made in minutes.
1 clear votive candleholder
Glue gun and glue
Fresh (or dried) lavender
Garden twine or ribbon
Snip the lavender stems to approximately 2-3 inches long. You will require 20-30 stems for this project. Clean the votive of any dirt or debris and dry thoroughly. Using your glue gun, carefully attach one stem of lavender at a time to the clear votive. Adding a stem as you move around the circumference of the votive. Continue until the container is completely covered.
Cut a piece of twine long enough to surround the votive and tie a small knot or bow. Repeat this for as many votives as you desire to scatter down the center of your dining table. These beauties are pretty on small outdoor side tables as well. Not only do they look stunning but also the aroma is wonderful.