Barb Lunter

Barb LunterBarb Lunter graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Commerce degree in Marketing. This led to successful marketing careers in both the food and beverage industries.

In 1994, Lunter developed a magazine type program called Home Ideas for Shaw Cable. This show was an extension of her design company, Fiore Bella Designs, which focused on home ideas, decorating themes, cooking and other innovative entertaining programs.

Barb went on to host a number of further episodes of Rogers Cable “Plugged In” magazine program. As creator, producer and host of her show, Barb blended a strong marketing background with a successful design company to produce a television program with wide audience appeal. This led to a number of guest appearances on BCTV’s  Saturday Morning News segment.

Today Barb continues to write her weekly column “Home Ideas” for the North Shore News as well as being syndicated on-line across Canada for Glacier Media Incorporated. She is also a freelance writer with articles appearing in nationwide magazines such as Canadian House & Home.