Immersible Tea Lights

Published July 19, 2012

Now that our gardens are all out in full bloom, its nice to bring in some flowers and display them indoors. If you don't have a garden handy, simply purchase a few of your favorite flowers to display them in... Continue reading →

Dig This! Valentines hearts with Shovel

Last year I saw this very cute idea for Valentines Day. It's perfect for the younger kids to give to their friends on this special day and they also make wonderful loot bags for a party. All materials can be... Continue reading →

Valentines Hearts: Felt Hearts

Published July 15, 2012

February 14 is always a special day. Traditionally celebrated, as a lover’s holiday with the giving of chocolate and flowers, there are many historical theories of the origin of St. Valentines. Probably the most popular is that it was established... Continue reading →