Immersible Tea Lights

Published July 19, 2012

Now that our gardens are all out in full bloom, its nice to bring in some flowers and display them indoors. If you don’t have a garden handy, simply purchase a few of your favorite flowers to display them in this chic manner.

It used to be that immersible tea lights could only be found at the floral wholesalers. Now they are available at select retail stores and at Michaels Crafts. These little tea lights are wonderful for the summer season in all kinds of flower arrangements especially in clear, cylindrical vases.

Simply remove the little lights from the package and give them a gentle twist causing the light to illuminate. Place the tea light into the fresh water with your cut flowers. During the evening the light will give off a soft glow that will last for many hours.

Here are a few ideas on how to use these lights.

Tall, clear vases work best for this type of arrangement. The light will illuminate the whole vase showcasing your flowers. Remember to place the immersible tea light into the water just before your guests arrive.

Another nice use for these lights is to use them in coloured water. Simply fill various shapes and sizes of vases with room-temperature water and place 1 or 2 drops of food colouring into the container. Mix up the drops until the desired colour is achieved. Choose varying shades of one colour or perhaps 2 to 3 different colours. Place your immersible lights inside the vases. This is a pretty table arrangement for an outdoor party.

Michaels sells these little lights in their floral aisle in two different package sizes ranging from $11.99- $29.99 for a package of four and twelve respectively. These lights are available in blue, red and purple.