Easter Ideas: Bunny Napkin
Published July 20, 2012

cute idea for your Easter table
Easter is fast approaching and if you are planning to host this year’s dinner you may be looking for some table ideas. I always like to incorporate the spring colours into my table settings and some fun ideas for the kids as well. You may think that a fancy table takes a lot of time and preparation but believe or not your table arrangement can be done in less than an hour and impress even the most discerning decorator.
The trick is to plan ahead. Choose a colour scheme that will match your dining room and one that will work with your placemats and napkins. Easter baskets are wonderful for floral arrangements as long as they lie low and do not hinder your guests view over the table. Eggs should be blown or at the very least hard-boiled to avoid any accidents.
Bunny Ears
- 1 starched linen or cotton napkin
I saw this at my friend’s home last season and thought it was darling. Although it looks complicated, it’s not and the kids will love to make it with you.
Start with the napkin facing wrong side up. Fold the napkin into thirds toward the center. Then fold the napkin in half and make an edge for reference. Fold the top corners down along this reference line and then fold up the bottom corners towards the center. From here you fold the left and right corners into the middle again. Now, flip the napkin over and fold up the bottom point. To fasten the back, use a small clip or safety pin and then pull out the base to stand up the napkin. Fold out the ears. (Be sure to tell your guest about the pin at the back)
Easter Egg Fun
- Here are a couple of ideas for the kids to decorate their eggs this year.
- Bunny
- Materials
- 1 egg colouring kit
- Black felt pen
- White and light pink felt
- Thick dental floss or fine embroidery thread
- Miniature pom pom
Blow out your egg. Immerse the egg in food colouring until the shade is a light pink and let dry. Cut out the little ears and feet from the white felt. The inside of the ears may be filled with a little pink felt. Draw the eyes on the egg and glue the pom pom nose, teeth and whiskers. Cut a small hole in the bottom of the egg for it to stand on the cut out felt feet. Glue the egg to the felt piece.
Place these little eggs at each place setting on the table.
Happy Easter!