Decorate Your Home For The Holidays

Published December 03, 2015

garlandThis holiday season fill your home with the aroma of fresh holiday evergreens.

These greens are wonderful on bannisters, fireplace mantles and many other surfaces within the home. Create a lush, elegant bannister display by combining fresh with artificial greens. The trick of achieving a full and lush look is to wire a few artificial boughs to the bannister before inserting the fresh greens. Bend the branches on the artificial boughs upwards and insert the fresh greens in between.


-Artificial evergreen boughs

-Fresh greens (noble fir, cedar, pine)

-Green wire

-Miniature LED lights

-Assorted holiday decorations

-Pine cones


For a professional look, be sure to choose holiday decorations that co-ordinate with the greens. If your holiday theme throughout your home is red and green then utilize these same colours within your bannister display. A monochromatic look is always nice as well.

Begin by wrapping your bannister in the artificial greens. Start with an artificial bough and position it over the end piece of your bannister. It’s nice to have it overhanging on the end. Then work your way up the bannister placing each artificial bough end to end. Once you are done start adding the fresh pieces one by one until your desired look is achieved.

Add the miniature LED lights. Position the LED battery box somewhere hidden in the greens so it is unseen. Add your larger decorations and pine cones followed by the smaller ones to finish it off. Any leftover greens may be used on your fireplace mantle and coffee table. Add large pillar candles, pine cones and miniature LED lights.

Be sure to always keep an eye on illuminated candles if you place them among fresh greens.