Dorm Room Packing Tips
Published September 02, 2015

Are you off to university? Well you're not alone. It's hard to believe the summer is wrapping up and the stores are bustling with back-to-school students once again. Some of you will be leaving home and will set up your... Continue reading →
Bora Bora
Published January 29, 2014

We recently travelled to Papeete, Tahiti and Bora Bora with the kids over the Holidays. I think everyone should try to see the French Polynesian islands. The scenery is spectacular and the water is unbelievably warm. Here's a few photos... Continue reading →
Vespa Vamps
Published October 03, 2013

Once a year my girlfriends and I do a Vespa trip. We all have Vespa's and we thought it would be a great idea to travel around a bit to local destinations. We have done Sooke, Harrison Hot Springs, The... Continue reading →
Paula Pryke Flower School Installment
Published November 18, 2012

I can honestly say that in my experience there is nothing quite like riding the London tube in the early morning rush hour. Next to a penny under a train, this was the worst squish I could ever imagine. However,... Continue reading →
Paula Pryke Flower School Photos
Published November 15, 2012

Here are a couple more photos from the school. Continue reading →
Camping Safely
Published July 19, 2012
If you are taking advantage of warm weather by heading outdoors for a weekend camping trip. Before you pack up the kids and car for your camping experience, the BC Safety Authority would like to remind you of some important... Continue reading →
Travel Kit a Snap To Sew
Published May 02, 2012
If you are a crafty type, then this idea is for you. A friend of mine made this travel kit for her kid's crayons and pencils and so I thought this would also be wonderful to use for toiletries. The... Continue reading →